Based on Bengaluru, India and curious to learn more about web
developing and designing,
loves problem solving and cares about writing readable as well as
maintainable code.
I am Full Stack Web developer(Fresher) looking for a good job in a company where I can improve and utilize my skills. I earned knowledge and skills in python, django, javascript, web technologies (HTML,CSS, Bootstrap) and SQL database by learning and doing projects on it. Currently I'm learning the advanced concepts about these technologies and creating projects to gain more experience and knowledge in web development and designing.
July 2022 - January 2023
Python Training Institute
Bengaluru, Karnataka.
2019 - 2022
Govt Arts and Science College
Under Bharathiar University
Gudalur, TamilNadu.
2017 - 2019
Govt Higher Secondary School
Bitherkad, TamilNadu.
Govt High School
Nellakottai, TamilNadu.
I can design and develop responsive websites based on customer requirements using Python, Django and SQL databse on the backend and HTML,CSS,Javascript and Bootstrap in the frontend.
A Feauture Rich E-commerce app for mobiles.
Implemented neccessary e-commerce functionalities like product listing, cart, orders, dashboard etc.
Additional features includes,
A fully responsive todo app with authentication by using the following tasks can be done,
User registration and login ,
Performing CRUD operations, user can add new tasks, read tasks,edit the existing tasks and delete tasks,
It also have the search functionality, So we can retrive the specified tasks we need,
The app is hosted on python anywhere.
I developed an authentication system using django with the following features,
User regsitration and login using custom user model,
Email verification and validation,
Reset password via registered email address,
Change the existing password and create new password.
A notes app with authentication and with user profile, it has the following features,
User registration and login using custom user model,
Performing all the CRUD operations,
It also have the search functionality to retrive the specified tasks we need,
Created and edited time of notes ,
User profile with profile picture, users can also edit the user profile and delete the data.